Rain Caps

SKU: RC04.G18
PLEASE EMAIL info@us-duct.com TO ORDER

Prevent the intrusion of rain into the exhaust of your system with a rain cap. Our ductwork rain caps will stop the negative effects of water on your system. Water can contribute to the corrosion of components, especially fan and electrical elements.

  • Cap to cover your exhaust pipe.
  • Prevents the intrusion of rain into the exhaust of your system by covering your exhaust pipe.
  • Includes side vent panels or openings that allow for the flow of the air to the outside with minimal restrictions to exhaust airflow.
  • Also know as china hat, exhaust vent, weather cap
  • Alternative Solutions: No-Loss Stack, Jet Cap, Flap Stack
  • Diameters are +/- 1/8 inch.